Sketching Q&A's

Sketching Q&A's

Sketching Q&A's

well, nobody seems to have many questions about pastels! So howsabout sketching? I have been writing a blog on "blogger" - and have been concentrating on sketching........the various ways to use a sketchbook, ie, not just precious, perfect sketches, but experiments, and thumbnails, as well as using it as a bit of a journal; I have also talked about different kinds of materials one can use...with lots of illustrations to demonstrate what I am talking about. If you would like to ask me any sketching questions, I am more than happy to answer them, and if you want to see some of my sketches, and read about the use of various materials, including Dr. PH Martins concentrated watercolours, which are like ink only different, and the various kinds of sanguine and conte pencils currently available, just hop over to my Artyfacts blog! In the latest post, there are also two fun "apps" you can download, showing a most fantastic selection of drawings by both Leonardo Da Vinci and Antoine Watteau - great resource material. you can find me at Jackie
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