Shameless post

Shameless post

Shameless post

I apologise in advance if this is not allowed here and if anyone majorly objects I will remove this post. Here goes. The shameless post I am making is an appeal for anyone who finds my art good enough to justify buying. I have the majority of my art I have put up on here for sale on ebay with 100% proceeds going to the maytree suicide sanctuary in north London. This charity receives no government funding (arrrrggggghh don't get me started on this dreadful government!!) and is purely reliant on donations to survive. This place genuinely helped to save my life in 2015 and maybe you or someone you know may get into the same situation and may need a place like this in the future so please consider a bid or a donation My ebay username is inspiredwatercolours and the link to my listings is here Thank you Paul Hardy
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I am looking forward for your recent work since few days.. didnt found anywhere in POL. Just wished to discover whats new from ur end...

Put it far and wide Paul. Im committed to Cancer charities at the moment so cannot help there, another area where this excuse of a government falls down. But great and go for it.

Thank you Gerry

Paul This is a very good cause and I have lost relatives and work mates to this epidemic - since the 80s. Politicians - I believe none. I think good people like you are the answer. Help each other and forget the government. You are right - we are dangerous in a good way!!! Best of Luck the good you do will come back to you!

Thank you for your kind words Robert very much appreciated. Take care

Far from being an inappropriate post, I think it's highly appropriate - and for reasons I won't go into, your charity is one to which I'm particularly sympathetic; but being a starving artist myself, more dependent on the pension than on sales, donations might be slow to come forth from this quarter. Good luck with it anyway.