Retired from Teaching.

Retired from Teaching.

Retired from Teaching.

Hi All - I hope everyone has had a good year and their creativity has taken them where they want to be! I took the decision to finally retire from teaching art in college, much to the dismay of many of my students. I am looking for a venue to try to do some workshops on a regular basis - I have done several one day Saturday workshops previously that turned out well. As for my art work, I am still scratching around trying to find something to trigger off my creativity again. I did do a study of Autumn Trees at Sandringham; keep meaning to photograph and post it. I have also done some more mono prints and like some of the results - once again I need to post them on the Gallery. My tendency at the moment is to jump from one style to another and also 'play' with various media - don't suppose it matters as I am sure that 'playing' can lead to greater things! Will stop 'blogging on', HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR to all.
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