Quality Control

Quality Control

Should I or shouldn't I ?

I am considering (as more of a joke than anything else) as to if I should add the quality control badge to my paintings when uploading to the gallery. Your thoughts on this vital subject matter welcomed!!

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You are an honest and down to earth human being as far as I have found from your comments. You add a punch of humour in what you execute whether its about a blog, painting or comment which is actually a blessed one can only do. This is how you are spreading happiness. A kindest heart with deepest sorrows. I would suggest you if you dont mind to have smileys as a tag in your paintings as you really enjoy and let others enjoy through your work. Keep spreading happiness as we really enjoy... Stay blessed..

Don't see why not Paul - all adds to the sense of fun. The only trouble is you are your harshest critic! Love the way that wave splashes against the rock. Will now have a quick look at the gallery before doing the last part of the challenge. Hate this part - foliage in watercolour!