Orangutans and Chocolate

Orangutans and Chocolate

Orangutans and Chocolate

In Australia we chocoholics have had a win with Cadbury...Daughter rang today very excited to tell me I was right about the Palm Oil and the reduction of Cocoa in our much loved Dairy Milk...she had seen on the Sunrise News show where Cadbury were interviewed about the degrading of their Chocolate...Cadbury are now going back to the old recipe and no longer using palm oil...Why was Daughter so excited she didn't originally believe me and thought I was daft sending them an email about a bit of Chocolate. Now why Orangutans...they exist in small numbers in Borneo and Sumatra and their habitat is being destroyed to make way for palm trees for the demand of the palm oil for food manufacturers...on one Island the colony is expected to be extinct within two years. I learnt this in a documentary which it seems many other people saw too. When you see unspecified Vegetable Oil in the list of contents in food this is Palm Oil. If Cadbury can be pressured into undoing a change so can other manufacturers. Orangutans are beautiful creatures as are all animals and we need to let them live...there is only 1% difference in our DNA to that of the Orangutan. What has this to do with art Orangutans are a beautiful creature and a work of art as is Chocolate. I am not pushing a barrow here I was genuinely appalled when I saw that Documentary and I saw it after I had emailed Cadbury about the quality of their Chocolate...it took me a while to research this because I didn't want to just go off about food until I had the facts
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