Ode to a Demonstrator Part 1

Ode to a Demonstrator Part 1

Ode to a Demonstrator Part 1

This time of year we seem to be very busy with demonstrations to art groups, a task that takes us all over the country. My wife Louise kindly comes with me when she can to help carry the equipment. Recently, she penned a little ditty which reflects quite well the life of a demonstrating artist; Tim`s packed and ready for a demo tonight, Paints & brushes all in the car packed tight. Arrive safely and unpack the car, Check mileage done to see how far. The venue can be a village hall, school or community centre, So now we head for this new adventure. Easels up and paintbrushes out, “Which hand does he use” comes a shout. “Right” he says so pick a good chair, So your views not blocked by me, so be aware.
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