Making the best of it!

Making the best of it!

Making the best of it!

As promised Patsy, a very grey winter's day In South Yorkshire. I went out specifically to take photos of the snow and ended up at my friends house for a coffee. I enjoyed the walk along the canal path, mainly because I was on my own , which is rare as Mick and I always go together. He was a bit busy decorating the bedroom, so I made the best of it! We have heard on the news today of 50 degrees and fires in Oz. Poor you! I enjoyed Maureens blog about how it used to be in the olden days. I can remember it too and wish I was young enough to go sledging now.. I remember my brother making a sledge that was so heavy it ran really slow down our street which was the steepest in the town! I think about the tin bowl I used, cos I didn't have a sledge....enjoyed it just the same tho'. More snow next's nice to have a winter for once.
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