Looking for a 'creative place' place to stay?

Looking for a 'creative place' place to stay?

Looking for a 'creative place' place to stay?

We would love other artists to come and share this beautifully unspoilt part of the world. Our home 'Toul Bleiz' has one B&B room for two people and our artist guests can use the stone built studio in the garden. We do not offer structured art courses but we think this is an inspiring place to come and paint and then at the end of a creative day have a delicious meal cooked for you, if you wish. Before we came to live in Brittany, 12 years ago, I would have loved to have discovered a place such as 'Toul Bleiz'. A place where I could sit and paint outdoors, a studio to use, good food and a comfortable bed to fall into at the end of the day.
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