Keeping busy, trying new things and hoping for better results in 2009!

Keeping busy, trying new things and hoping for better results in 2009!

Keeping busy, trying new things and hoping for better results in 2009!

Thanks Patsy, for your reply to my blog last summer. My daughter in law had a wonderful tiara! It had more than 1,000 crystals!! it took ages to make but it was worth it. We all had a great day. I haven't done hardly any paintings as I've been busy working and trying to set up a new website. I've also trained to be a Reiki practitioner.....this has helped me to deal with lifes little problems...and I love treating people. I am amazed by the way it works, but I accept that it does and am happy with that. I have put my first efforts with pastel pencils in the gallery. One day I will find the perfect medium for me. I usually work really quickly, so this is good because I have to slow down a bit. I'd love to spend a day with Rolf Harris...he's my idol. Who is your inspiration?
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