Hospitals are Dangerous Places...Stay Away

Hospitals are Dangerous Places...Stay Away

Hospitals are Dangerous Places...Stay Away

Well Nana was discharged on Thursday on some strong antibiotics as if nothing had ever happened surreal...after having been at deaths door it's amazing what they can do with Intravenous big problem Daughter and I have come down like a ton of bricks with something we picked up in the dreaded hospital...on Friday at almost the same time Daughter and I came down with the most awful flu...high fevers, rib breaking cough, razor blades in the throat, joints that must have been swapped at the hospital because they are so painful I just know they arn't mine...thank goodness I domesticated Hubby some years ago because he had to nurse both of us over the weekend and I must say he has done a good job...a lovely chicken and vegatable soup my by his hand and cooked on top of the fire was just what the doctor ordered...tonight a toss up, soup or egg and a chip butty I had and it was is quite late here in Western Australia and I think I feel somewhat human...but then that could be the drugs that Daughter and I have swallowed...whatever it takes
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