Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

I'd like to wish everyone a happy new year if it isn't too late to do so. I know I haven't written for far too long, but things have been rather hectic. This is sadly, a fact of life in the film and tv industry, as deadlines approach the amount left to do seems to increase and 24 hour working is fairly common. I have to admit that at my age, working for 24 hours in one go is beginning to be very difficult and I do end up drinking far too much coffee. The filming in South Africa over ran by almost two weeks and when we got back there was no time for a break before we plunged into the "fun" of post production. Still, it is nearly over now and hopefully, there will be time for a break at the end of this month. I'm actually starting to think that I can do some painting again soon, once all the tax stuff is sorted out and sent to the Accountant. I know, it was due in before Christmas, but a tax deadline is a little bit flexible even if we end up paying a bit more. Broadcast dates aren't. Miss one and your career can be over and another career change won't come easy at the moment. To get back to what we all really like to do though, I have recently bought some different mediums to try in my painting. This all follows on from a very good demonstration we had at my local art group a few weeks ago. I got some flexible modeling paste to add a bit of texture to my paintings and I'm thinking of trying it for rocks and foliage on some of the South African pictures I have in mind. I also got some stuff to add an interference effect, I'm thinking mainly of using it when doing waves and sunlight reflected on the sea. It might not work, but I can't wait to try and see what happens. I must admit I am feeling more positive at the moment than I have been for some time, I just hope I'm not being too positive! Anyway, back to sorting out receipts and invoices. I guess I should really get that out of the way before indulging in a bit of fun and trying out my new painting materials. Have fun painting and I'll try not to leave it so long next time.
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