Green Santa's Elf

Green Santa's Elf

Green Santa's Elf

Well, thats another Chistmas gone, and a bit of a crazy one at that, what with anti Coca-Cola green Santas, Panto dames banned from throwing sweets, Lollypop ladies not allowed to wear fancy dress to work (amazing that one, I would have thought motorists would soon slow down at the sight of a giant chicken!). the annual festive killjoy's list seems endless. Quite a number of years ago, I worked for a large corporation. Over the years, the job I enjoyed became more and more engulfed in health and safety. Most days seemed like wading through thick treacle. At Christmas each year, some brave soul would scale a highpoint in the factory and place a tiny tree with lights on. This annual tradition was finally banned after it was felt by higher management that the lights would distract passing train drivers! How I longed to get away from all this and would often stare out of the office window and dream of becoming an artist. When I finally left, I felt that at last I was free from petty bureaucracy and could follow a more enjoyable path. Unfortunately, I have noticed over the last year how the tendrils of interfering officials has crept into the artworld. I was recently asked to provide a safety assessment on a drawing class! I'm not sure what dangers a pencil and paper posed the student, however, after much thought and drawing upon my experience from my previous career, I decided to warn the student not to hold the pencil the wrong way around as a sudden movement could result in the loss of an eye! Paper cuts could easily turn septic, resulting in possible blood poisoning and amputation! It's a good job it wasn't a watercolour class, I dread to think how many souls could be drowned in a bucket of water! Here's wishing you all a Happy New Year!
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