For Jillian Payne and Robert Lavers

For Jillian Payne and Robert Lavers

For Jillian Payne and Robert Lavers

Hi Jillian have just read your post and hope you see this what you have to do to receive blag mail is place a new blog post because the first one is your introduction...that way we can talk to you...I'm in Western Australia...looking forward to talking to you. Hey Robert thanks for your reply I loved your descriptions of the berries I was eating them with you...I remember picking them wild many times whilst on holiday in Newcastle Northern Ireland...goodness knows what creepy's were in them but we didn't see them they we not even washed...lovely...I used to love gooseberries after I got over the sourness the first you have a blog then I could answer you on your blog...glad you enjoy reading mine sometimes I go off a bit but hey we are all human...looking forward to hearing from you
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