First Snowdrop

First Snowdrop

First Snowdrop

Well they are here at last...I spotted the little white droopy thing out of my kitchen window...I thought it can't be so I grabbed my camera and it was I am so pleased...this one is from the debris of the spent Snowdrops that I cut and bring into the house...I throw them amongst the bushes at the back of the house and they have started good is that...they last about a week and look lovely with a few branches of Lavender...I might try painting them but I won't commit myself being a bit on the slow side in that regard...I would also like to thank everyone for their comments on the Leisure Painter Fiona Peart project which I really enjoyed doing...every time I catch my elbow stuck into my waist with a brush in my hand I shall do that was a great lesson on losening up and getting rid of the fear of making a mark with watercolour...I have just read Aqua's blog to find we have our Mel back on the Forum...this blog was supposed to go on last night but my computer went down...after trying everything I am told to do I resorted to the telephone and they reset my modem and I'm up and running again...I have posted my new Class Work on the's the Kimberly Ranges...the colours of that region are very different from the Pilbara...the sky is really that Violet but it will recede as the darker greens go in...I'm reasonably pleased with this one and I am really enjoying painting it...think it may have something to do with the colours...I love bright colours. On the home front I'm under starters orders to paint something in a darkish red for Daughters new decor...I bought a couple of really cheap ($5) gardening books and got some great at home its back to acrylics because Daughter likes the texture of them and wants something on a box canvas without a frame...I think she said a couple
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