February update

February update

February update

February has arrived and I'm feeling quite low. Maybe we have had one too many storms on the island this winter. There is however a glimmer of hope on the horizon, one of the local galleries has agreed to take some of my paintings. Initially it is for a month to see how they go and after that we have to discuss things. This is a scary time really, I still don't have a job in spite of looking hard and I really do need this now. The island's economy is not great. There is very little in the way of work other than as a nurse in a care home, or jobs that involve a lot of driving and heavy lifting. Both of these options rule me out as I'm not suited to care work and I don't drive. I am computer literate and happy to do remote working but still there is no joy, I'm beginning to suspect my age is a factor in this. Ok, I know this shouldn't be the case now, but age discrimination is one of those things difficult to prove either way. Sorry this blog is a bit of a downer, but I hope things will look up now there are signs of Spring (we have frog spawn in the garden pond!). Happy painting to all and I hope to be more cheerful next time.
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