February in the Languedoc

February in the Languedoc

February in the Languedoc

Wednesday February 3 My computer has decided to have a nervous breakdown! Apparently it seems to have been subject to a ‘power surge’! Well it’s the only power surge one is likely to see chez moi . How long will it take to be repaired and how much will it cost……..? Well it’s only money! Day three of sunshine thought. Thursday February 4 Another sunny start to the day, a French lesson and then lunch. ‘pas mal’ Sunday February 13 At last I have my computer back with most of the documents. However all my hundreds of files and picture are without titles. Ugh. They just have numbers, so at some point I will need to go through them. Anyway, it’s another way of ‘spring cleaning’. Saw some lambs yesterday which was rather fun. They looked a bit out of place amongst the vines, but were a delight to see. Monday February 21 Have been rather busy trying to catch up with….well, everything really. I think I need to take a good look at ‘Head Office Operations’. A lot of time is taken up with researching and visiting new ‘painting holiday venues’ which is very exciting. It’s great to be able to offer ‘painting peeps’ a choice of when and where to stay. Then of course everything needs to be updated on this fabulous new site, which I love and hope is serving it’s purpose with present and future clients. Going to visit another possible venue tomorrow morning. Watch this space! Tuesday February 22 Didn’t get to the venue as the weather was a bit gloomy and I want to see the vnue at it’s best and check out the best painting spots ‘plein air’, so will go later in the week. However we have had 14 days of sunshine this month, so not bad! So, I have been catching up, still, on sorting out the files on my computer after it’s recent ‘breakdown’. Did you know that every time you look at a site, the files are downloaded. So every picture, log0 or symbol is in the box of tricks somewhere? I have thousands of jpgs to sort through…..that’s if I don’t lose the will. Oh is that the time, ‘apero’ time already…………. Wednesday February 23 Watched one of my favourite, uplifting films last night, 'Madagascar'. I still see new things and human comparisons in it. I love the penguins, 'smile and wave boys, smile and wave'. Fab. Day 15 of February sunshine today and went out for a little distraction and stopped to 'Blip' this. I have driven past where this is situated for the past two and a half years, but I think I only spotted it this year! I always tell my art students that I'm teaching them to look, not to paint! I think I had better practice what I preach! Still it's also an accolade to the artist that I hadn't noticed it. Thursday February 24 Today is a pottering about sort of day and I'm tackling some seemingly small jobs, yet jobs that you need to creep up on, if you know what I mean. I'm not the tidiest of people, ask my sister, and Mum always said,'don't put it down, put it away'.
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