Exposing myself

Exposing myself

Exposing myself

Well, it got your attention..... On my other blog, www.wightpaint.blogspot.com, I have posted a work in progress. I've never done this before, and feel very brave. And incredibly stupid. Because if it all goes belly-up, I'm going to look very silly. However: our Hero has always been a devil-may-care sort of chap, ever willing to bare his soul in public, so I should be delighted if you were to go to my blog and have a look; make a comment; benefit from my generous and entirely free advice and comments on the colours used so far; and tell me the best places you know to buy really good, reasonably priced canvas, or canvas boards, with a good amount of tooth - what I want, especially for oil paint, is a surface which isn't too regular; doesn't cost me a fortune; isn't so textured that you have to fight to get the paint on, but does have that entirely satisfying amount of tug, as it were, that helps to pull the paint from the brush. I've tried many, many surfaces in my time - but am still looking for the surface that will give me the highly pleasing tooth of stretched canvas without the expense. I know I'm asking for a lot there.... but I'm running low on boards and need to make a decision soon. Just a quick thought - has anyone tried painting on oil painting paper glued to board? How did you find it? I used Daler Rowney Tyneham (?) paper years ago, and remember it as quite an attractive surface. Anyway: visit me on the blog site, whether you have answers to my dilemmas or not: it gets lonely, struggling on without company. I'd add a guest book to the website, but others' experience suggests I'd just end up with mountains of spam. Never a favourite...... Hope to see you there.
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