Back to life.

Back to life.

Back to life.

Once again, thanks to all those who have sent good wishes (and are continuing to send them) - I had my endoscopy today, without sedation (quiet, manly pride...) and am advised I do not have cancer, nor even a full ulcer, just some erosion of the lower stomach lining consequent upon taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs. So, profit by my example and advice: one, if you have to have an endoscopy/gastroscope, don't worry about it - there's a little gagging, and of course that's uncomfortable, but virtually no pain at all, they anaesthetize the back of your throat, and best of all the whole thing is over in less than 5 minutes. Unless you're really terrified - and you needn't be - it's not worth being sedated. And if I had been, I would have been in no condition to enjoy a whopping plate of fish and chips on my way home. And two, I know some people's arthritis needs all the analgesia it can get, but if you can get by without NSAIDs, do. What qualifies me to give medical advice, other than that I nearly died last week through taking it? Well, nothing - and I'm sure POL would want me to point that out: but I'm not recommending you take anything, I'm suggesting you take care with what you do take. There are safer painkillers than NSAIDs, - and I'm telling you this because I'm a fairly tough old bird, but that haemorrhage nearly whisked me away: those of you who have other underlying health issues and are a bit older than I am might not have survived. And that would be a shame..... Took the opportunity to pick up the current The Artist Magazine while in town, and was pleased to find it bundled with the new Jackson's catalogue, full of gorgeous paints, brushes, canvas, frames, pencils, pens... pastels - and more.... See the article on John Hunt in the magazine, and his wonderful watercolours! I stretched a sheet of watercolour paper on my return - might even get round to putting some paint on it tomorrow.....
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