Australian Mothers Day

Australian Mothers Day

Australian Mothers Day

Mothering Sunday isn't until the 10th May in Australia but because it's my Daughters pay week she bought my gift on Thursday night...but couldn't wait to give it to me as I couldn't wait to get it...I usually make sure she dosn't spend too much because some can get so carried away with big gifts...well it was worth it she gave the loveliest card and a big one too and bought me a lovely Pandora Charm with Moonstones embedded in it...I recently acquired a bracelet and this is my third charm...I love Moonstones so milky and at the moment I feel really spoiled...pictured is my card which will have pride of place for over a week sorry about the flash...I have posted a little exercise watercolour offering which having looked at it on the gallery I realised that a little work is needed on the flower...I used Neils advice and used gum arabic in the water because the colours could easily have turned to mud I found the control it gave with the colour was hopefully the last exercise starting my course next week and have gathered all the material listed from my stocks which I knew would come in handy one day
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