Any ideas?

Any ideas?

Any ideas?

Now, I know (how to put this delicately.....) that some of you on POL are as old as I am, and some even older.... So - although this has nothing whatever to do with art as we know it, maybe you could help answer a question that has been buzzing around in the cluttered attic that is my mind for some months.... There is a line from a song, or a poem - or something - that I keep remembering and can't get rid of. Can you identify it? "Nearer and nearer to dear little Vera the terrible terror trod." There's no prize for the right answer, but you would help to put me out of my misery if you could identify it - the answer is there, in the dustiest and most neglected box in that part of the attic I can't fight my way through to.... but blowed if I know what it is.. Reverting to acrylic at the moment, with an eye on watercolour thereafter - I wonder if progress does lie in diversity, or whether one does better to stick to a single medium .... I don't think I could ever give up oil paint, and my sales statistics don't help much: I've sold an almost equal number of oils and acrylics; I've never yet sold a watercolour - but as I'm making progress in w/colour (and it's huge fun to do) I don't want to give that up either. It's not all about sales... I know, I know...but come on: they do help!
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