Anne D'Alton's Blog - Become a better artist

Anne D'Alton's Blog - Become a better artist

Anne D'Alton's Blog - Become a better artist

Become a better artist? Well, although I am usually fairly satisfied with my work, particularly when I put a lot of effort or time into a project, that is not always the case. When I first started to paint my tutor told me that I should not only practice, practice and practice but study those who had achieved a standard par excellence in the genres I wanted to work in. Today, with the internet and in particular with broadband, seeing how other artists work and the standards they achieve is not difficult and I am really surprised and pleased at how amenable and courteous so many of these great people are. Recently I made contact with a very famous artist of auotmobiles whose work I can candidly say leaves me speechless, because not only is his technical expertise so supert, but you can almost hear the sound of the engines and the quiver of the bodywork, in his portrayals. To me, his work is the epitome of how I would like to be able to paint these subjects so, with thanks to this man, I shall now study his work in detail and hope to apply his standards to my work.
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