Anne D'Alton's Blog - A day in the life of an arti

Anne D'Alton's Blog - A day in the life of an arti

Anne D'Alton's Blog - A day in the life of an arti

A day in the life of an artist almost always throws up something interesting. This came recently in the form of a commission to repair and repaint several very old (150 years) religious paintings that had been quite badly damaged through neglect and actual vandalism. At some point in time, some-one had knifed these pictures! Furthermore, the canvas on which they had been painted, had been poorly primed and hanging in a very damp old building had not improved their general condition. However, being me, I approached the challenge with my usual optimism and by dint of extremely careful patching (at the back of each painting), infilling, cleaning, repainting and revarnishing, the project has been successfully accomplished. In July these elderly works will be re-hung with their companions to live out the rest of their lives (I hope) undisturbed and my Client is very pleased with the result, although as he confessed to me, he does not like old-style "holy" works of art! And neither do I.... This task, needless to say, took up more than a little of a day in the life of an artist. Keep on drawing and painting. Anne .
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As long as the sprogs bring you back it sounds good to me...go for it...I have added all my contact details to my 'Blog Information Panel'...perhaps we all should?

Thank you but I'm still not happy with landscapes. Isn't it difficult to match galleries with owners with blogs? Thank goodness the ice is now melting although I still can't go out. I'm disabled and my scooter just won't go on the ice that's left in our lane and I absolutely dare not try to stand up on it. I would have loved to get some photos down by the river when it was frozen so I had something to work from. Maybe I should have got the neighbours' children to pull me down on a sledge! The toe's just about healed up thank you.

Hi Diana...gets brain in gear and matches: blog to gallery, gallery to forum, etc...I'm happy to say I like all that I see in your gallery and that I often only put a single comment in to cover the entire gallery. I hope the toe still forces you to rest-up with a suitable tincture...rusty links? ever thanks for your encouragement & support in my gallery too...Your landscapes seem good to me.

We just had a few days in southern Scotland near Moffat. I managed to break my toe the first night so had a good excuse for just sitting. Did go on the road to the Devil's beeftub. A shocking road but so beautiful yet I looked more for close up pictures like the rusty chain rather than the landscape. I'm not very good with landscapes.

Pleased to read your update...OK you too were away in October...where did you go? what did you see?...and inspirations to paint? I agree the calm of the studio is upset by the roar of the fan heater, the fingerless gloves, woolly hat nearly covering the eyes while stopping the ears from falling off. I'm glad we have global warming this Winter too.Then there is tripping over the power cables to the 'daylight' lamps it is all a bit of a demotivator...not to mention the ice between the patio door & the studio door which was frozen-up one morning this week...