Agony City

Agony City

Agony City

I decided this week that I would paint a portrait of my wife. She is not the patient of people so I sketched her from a photograph. Two days later I was in Agony City. I sketched the composition which looked okay everything seemed in the right place, I toned the canvas and this is when it went Pete Tong. I read an article somewhere about painting portraits wet on wet but I just couldn't make it work. The painting looked okay in a loose way and if this was anyone else I'd of left it like that but I wanted detail, seen as it was my wife and their lies the fatal flaw, it WAS MY WIFE arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh After several attempts she kept looking like coco the clown, I washed the entire painting down with Odourless thinner and washed it all away back down to my grey acrylic sketch. Start again I think so I toned the canvas once more and now its awaiting drying. If I leave it long enough to dry maybe I will go back and paint it in a more traditional way of layering Fat over Lean or maybe even better I could file it under T for Trash We'll see
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