Advice and support

Advice and support

Advice and support

A very brief blog post - I have been in hospital for some days as an emergency admission.... out now, more lovely tests to come. (And in passing, may I advise you that if you are ever offered drugs called NSAIDs, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, you think very carefully before accepting them. I was at risk because of a long-standing blood disorder - and shouldn't have been prescribed them. Just make sure you aren't similarly at risk before you take them - GP's aren't always as alert as they ought to be in managing these drugs; and given some of us are knocking on a bit, and, like me, have arthritis, we're especially at risk.) Right, that was the health warning... Now, I know someone put a comment under one of my paintings asking if I minded if she sought my comments from time to time on her own work..... I've lost the plot a bit, as you'll understand, so have forgotten who left the question and where she left it - although the name Libby rings a bell - but the short answer is no, I don't mind at all: just send me a private message, or email me at [email protected]; given I'm not doing much of my own work at all at the moment, it will give me something to do between blood transfusions and endoscopies .....
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