a 'creative place to stay'

a 'creative place to stay'

Beautiful Brittany-Lake Guerledan

There must be lots of artists out there who would love to come and stay with us and paint in this beautifully unspoilt part of the world. Our home 'Toul Bleiz' has one B&B room, just for two and a stone built artist's studio in the garden for you to use. We are on the edge of rugged moorland and our garden has lots of great places to paint, including a stone ruin. We can provide 'picnic' lunches and at the end of a full and creative day you can enjoy good food with us. We do not provide a structured art course but we do want to share this lovely place with other artists. Please contact us if all of this appeals to you! www.phoneinsick.co.uk
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Have seen Tina Turner a couple of times she puts on a great concert...think Clapton is getting a bit lazy...we saw him about 18 months ago and he let the young guitarists do most of the work...Doyle Bramhill 111 and Derek Trucks great blues slide guitarist...Bramhill plays with Roger waters too great young man and a fantastic voice...still Clapton is still God but you are right about Jack Bruce when he did the old blues song with the harmonica fantastic...I think there was one American in the audience doing the dance made us laugh we have all the DVD's and whatever the mood...Cindy Lauper her At Last DVD last weekend then a bit of Pink Floyd to finish off...great stuff...glad you're walking around albeit drunkenly

Hey Alan you old Hippy you so sad that you have to work from home but at least you know they can't so without you...Hubby used to do that even on holidays well burger that he dosn't now he has moved positions...I'm used to being Mutton Jeff have been since I was 1 a small price to pay considering the measles nearly killed me...that's why I get mad when people don't vaccinate their children...Good old Ginger Baker I thought he was dead until we found a DVD of Cream Reformed at the Royal Albert...brilliant such frenetic base just love it...I love base when it's prominent because as like you I have trouble hearing low notes...have been into Leonard Cohan this weekend good old gravelly voice never changed...a bit like Dylan more poet than singer but smashing lyrics...hope you feel better and your graph becomes a straight line and not a parabolica

Hi Alan........hope you get well soon.........its worse havin the time too do somthing and then not being able to do it...........was off a while ago with a bad shoulder........could'nt draw......but its soon mended.......take care

Like Phil I know what you are talking about...I lived most of my life without an eardrum (measles so vaccinate your kids) so walking in a straight line is unknown...I had surgery where they took the sheath of a muscle from behind my ear and transplanted it making a sort of eardrum...a bit mechanical but according to Dr. now rotting got black spots on it now don't hear very well out of that ear now...you have my sympathy...they can give you pills for it Stemitil from memory they are used for nausea or used to be...they worked for me...sometimes not hearing very well is wonderful and very convenient if you forget something...let us know how you get on at the Dr.

Thanks for the replies Beatrice and Phil. I don't think it is long term, which is why I can smile at myself. I see the Doctor tomorrow afternoon (an ''emergency' appointment - what's going on?!) so I'll see if my optomism is justified.

Meltemi paints from his anatomically fitted luxury office chair...complete with arms to stop him falling off...I only have balance from one ear [a viral infection many years ago]...prone to falling sideways to the right on standing? up...bit of a burger...but I got used to it...get the 'Stugeron' motion sickness pills [tablets actually] down you neck...the painting will have to be a little more abstract/loose for a while...as concentrating on one fixed point can make it worse...move the head slightly & regularly...eat little & often...a heavier stomach seems to work...Understanding? Yes. Sympathy? No...so no whinging & get on with it is the command...

It is not funny Alan. It happens to a lot of people. and as says Jeannette it is horrible and frightening. Get better soon.

Even I have got to see the funny side. A wobbly old man walking around and toppling slowly over. I'd laugh at me! I've worked out a modus operandi for painting. If I move my eyes and not my head I'm not too bad. Finished a painting last night, it takes a bit longer but I've got time.

Alan, you certainly have my sympathy there. Horrible, Horrible, Horrible - nothing funny about it. Let's hope you have some relief here and there (once the tablets start to work) to paint?