Anthony Stubbs


Now passed my allotted span of three score years and ten and enormously relishing being fully retired from paid employment as a lecturer in electronic engineering, working part time did give me more time to pursue my interests, now I have all the time in the world and the future has become even more exciting. I have no real formal training , but copious encouragement by inspiring art teacher has has kept me motivated even after over sixty years! I like to work in many mediums, acrylic, watercolour, pastel, ink, pencil, coloured pencil, charcoal etc and sometimes experiment with mixing media with various degrees of success. I work out of my own head, occasionally using my own photographs, but I never try to reproduce or copy any image that is not of my own making, the only exception being where I am specifically commissioned to produce a work from a supplied image. I am now trying to escape from the tight painting style that I have been used to doing, examples of which are seen here and have been experimenting with a looser style and using mixed media, and heading towards abstraction its good fun, though not always successful!