Frozen Arnside Shore at Sunset, watercolour, (26x35cm)

Keith Hodsoll demonstrates a winter sunset painting of Morecambe Bay in watercolour.

My inspiration

I am fortunate to live in South Lakeland, between the English Lake District and Morecambe Bay and have enjoyed endless opportunities for landscape photography and painting.

In recent years, I have been especially drawn to the ever-changing patterns of colour and light around Morecambe Bay. The Winter months are a particular favourite, as clear cold days often produce spectacular sunsets (and at a civilised hour!).

Over time, I have taken a number of photos of Bay sunsets, many of which have provided the inspiration for paintings, mainly in watercolour.

Arnside Quiet Evening, July 2019

When choosing subjects, I am particularly attracted by scenes with vibrant sky colours reflected in the tidal waters of the Bay and strong darks in the foreground.

When painting, this usually entails graduated washes for the sky and water, often repeated a few times to intensify the colours, and opaque darks to create contrast and foreground interest. I prefer to use a limited palette for most of my paintings.

My painting set up

I am lucky to have a loft studio, where ongoing work can be left out, insulated from the rest of the house. My layout when starting a new painting is shown below. You will spot very quickly that I am left-handed!

To make my `paint boxes`, see above and to the left of my studio photo, I used two 24 well palettes with lids, purchased from Amazon, into which I have squeezed my paints from their tubes. These can be topped up as necessary. Guides to the colours have been drawn out on card and laminated. After a painting has been completed, the lids are replaced to keep out the dust.

I have only used this system for a short while but it does seem to work well for me.

Morecambe into Evening Sun, February 2022

Demonstration: Frozen Arnside Shore at Sunset

The scene I have chosen for this demonstration is of the foreshore at Arnside shortly after sunset on a very cold, frosty day. The colour was wonderful and the ice-covered sand at the edge of the estuary had a vibrant blue colour.