Painting in Abstract

Painting in Abstract
Carole Robson
Search Press
Release Date:
31 May 2024

Issue Media

Hang on Studio Wall

First Edition

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A practical, mixed media art book, illustrated with finished paintings and short exercises that encourage an experimental approach to painting the natural landscape.

Carole Robson's aim is to inspire readers with her own enthusiasm for art and, as a teacher, to help them to achieve their own artistic goals. Her work is a celebration of the natural landscape, and her intention is always to shine a light on nature in order to elevate its case, especially poignant now that nature is in such jeopardy.

This book guides the reader through simple combinations of wet media such as watercolour, gouache, acrylic and Indian inks. It goes on to examine and include other media and techniques; exploring media that combine happily, and those that resist each other to create interesting and unexpected effects.

It offers strategies for developing concepts and improving design, with a chapter devoted to the formal elements line, shape, colour, tone, texture and surface pattern can be harnessed to produce impactful work. Readers will be provided the tools and inspiration to find their own interpretations.

The book covers various aspects of the natural landscape, from close-up details to more distant views, celebrating wild flowers, seed heads, berries and leaves. It peers inquisitively into ditches, hedgerows and verges, and soaks up the idyll of flower-rich meadows. It will visit the tranquility of woodland scenes as well as the atmospheric, wild elements of stormy skies and high seas.

Exciting techniques such as washing or spraying off an image, using improvised mark-making tools and weathering collage through rusting, ripping and singeing are included; alongside printing or stencilling acrylic gel or texture paste to enliven a surface.

This book offers a unique route into creativity and innovation for the reader, whether beginner or expert artist.