Squeeze Stile

2023-08-11 Squeeze Stile

excellent image Willie

Great painting! We have them in Staffordshire. Not heard them called squeeze stile before, but can see why!!

Marvellous contrasts.

Love how the tree overhangs the lovely stone wall and the expressive foreground brushstrokes. This is a lovely sunny painting to be very proud of Willie.

Fabulous stile Willie

I like a good style and they do make an interesting painting, as here Willie. I don’t think I have seen or even heard of this type, and as you say there may be many more! Lovely painting.

Thanks David & Stephen. Seems to be a Yorkshire thing Sarah, Tessa. Thanks Stephen and Carole for your comments and John and Heather too -all appreciated..

How are they expecting a man of my bulk - I'll rephrase that, of my generous build - to get through that? If a sheep couldn't do it, I'm pretty sure I couldn't either.... liking your fresh palette here, Willy.

Beautiful scene, lovely painting. I find these stiles get tighter every year!

Thanks Carole and Robert, even my boots have difficulty with these stiles.

Great work Willie. I love the brickwork around the stile and the foliage is excellent.

Love the stone work Willie and the righthand tree as it nonchalantly leans in to the picture , not wanting to be left out. Great scene.

Thank you Spencer and Fiona, wouldn't dare lean nonchalantly against that wall though!

Excellent painting Willie. I've not seen a stile like this one. That's a great wall Willie and I love the sheep.

Hang on Studio Wall

A few weeks ago George Cutter posted a delicious landscape that featured a stile. I had almost completed this one about the same time. So here's the end product. I wonder how many different stiles there are out there There must be a Phd in there somewhere! -Oil on canvas board.

About the Artist
Willie Drea

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