Down Scripton Lane

Down Scripton Lane

I liked the sketch, and I like this...good work, Willie.

Very effective piece Willie

Nice work again Willie

Great stuff again Willie, energy and light...lovely

Super style Willie, that's a lot of greens to contend with!.

You have caught a sense of the English countryside, and rather well too!

It's a lovely piece Willie. Love the texture.

Thanks Lewis, Dennis & Dennis. Thank you Margaret, Thalia & Rachel. Alan & Tony I was trying to catch that tired Feb/March look in the landscape but got stuck in the green channel!

This has translated brilliantly from the sketch Willie, bet you are thrilled with the outcome.

Hang on Studio Wall

Acrylic & acrylic ink based on a sketch I posted recently -10"x14" textured paper. painted alla prima mostly with pallette knife then ink from the pipette.

About the Artist
Willie Drea

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