African wilddogs


Nice pair of wild dogs

Good one Willemien. If it was me but I hazard to say this as am not a professional and others will give better advice, I'd crop the canvas on the lhs so the bodies appear coming out of the edge, I'd tidy up the hind 2 legs of the dog in the rear as they appear to be slightly not 'right. Id then place them on a grassy African plain making sure there's some dropped shadows around the feet. Am a little unsure where the light is coming from so I think I'd think about that a touch more and place relevant shadows on the bodies/faces where applicable. Hope that helps.

Hang on Studio Wall

These animals are on my no1 wishlist to see whenever visiting Kruger Park. Not always successful....but if sighted, in seventh heaven! What can I do to the background? Any tips or ideas?

About the Artist
Willemien Burger

Just paint for enjoyment and relaxation!

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