Autumn Road

Autumn Road

Always love your bright colours. Am recently back from Vancouver and Alberta and saw lovely colours up in Jasper and Banff. And those spectacular mountains so clear against the sky with just a touch of snow. As a comment on one of your previous paintings with loons I said I hoped to see them, well I did see a couple when I was on Vancouver Island (right up in the north, fewer people and more wildlife). The highlight was black bears then grizzly bears in their natural environment.

Full of vibrant colours Wib.

Very nice to hear about your trip to British Columbia and Alberta, Sandra - both provinces have truly beautiful landscapes. Thank you. Carole.

A beautiful rich tapestry of colour and textures Wib.

Whoo! Great imagination with those colours. There 'll be many such walks taking place at the moment.

Thank you, Fiona and Marjorie.

Superb work Wib, beautiful colours of Autumn and great figure work too!

Lovely painting, beautiful colours and love the way the light leads you down path

Wonderful bright colours, Wib, and good composition.

You are a master of colour, Wib! This is beautiful, so rich and alive.

Thank you ever so much Margaret, David, Cesare and Ann - I truly appreciate your comments.

Hang on Studio Wall

In Ontario, Canada, autumn is a wonderful season with an abundance of colour. The warm quality of light seems to add to the saturation and textures.

About the Artist
Wib Dawson

For as long as I can remember I've had a passion for creating images through both photography and painting. In recent years, I’ve been especially drawn toward digital painting and have marveled at how closely the technology can now emulate traditional painting media. I particularly enjoy creating…

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