Night Passage

Night Passage

You have got it working well Wib, great atmosphere, colours and tones.

Thanks Derek - I appreciate your affirmation.

Hang on Studio Wall

I’ve been experimenting with painting nocturnal scenes. I find them a challenge to discover the fine balance between enough detail for the viewer to interpret the scene while leaving enough shadow to create some mystery or uncertainty. This painting I call Night Passage. It is a moonlit night with a single mysterious figure journeying along a woodland trail and about to pass through an open gate. Why is he there in the middle of the night and where is he going? – I’ll leave that for you to decide.

About the Artist
Wib Dawson

For as long as I can remember I've had a passion for creating images through both photography and painting. In recent years, I’ve been especially drawn toward digital painting and have marveled at how closely the technology can now emulate traditional painting media. I particularly enjoy creating…

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