Corner Savina

Corner Savina

It looks good Thalia. I didn't recognise it as being one of yours as the colours are different to your usual palette.

I like the composition and perspective in this Thalia, interesting.

Agree with Margaret as I miss the flowers and cats but look forward to your idea developing.

This caught my eye straight away Thalia - I really like it.

Thank you everyone! This is very much in its embryo stage, There was a lovely old goldish doorway next to it which I want to go back and draw...if I dare [it's Easter and even busier on that corner!!!] it would look great next to the purplish shadow! Thank you for looking and your helpful comments Margaret, Carole S Carole K and Margaret. You've all helped me consider taking it further!

Hang on Studio Wall

I'm not good with perspective! I sat on the kerb of what is probably the most dangerous corner in Gozo and managed to draw simply the outline of these buildings. I gave up and moved inside Casa Chic Gallery to work with some ink pencils I wanted to experiment with! I might work on this idea later this week!

About the Artist
Thalia Stones

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