Rainy Night Shopping

Rainy Night Shopping

I love the style, Skylar

Thank you, Maureen. I am always looking to improve and change...

Im a sucker for reflections.....

Looks very wet Skylar, interesting style.

I think the experiment worked. Great stuff

Very eye catching with the dark figures contrasting with the brilliant light behind. The wet pavement adds to the scene also.

Can just feel the rain.

Great successful experiment.Skylar, indeed worthy of top line.

Love that foreground and the rain effect you've achieved.

Brilliant effect, Skylar.

Great way you have painted this one Skylar, lovely reflections as usual

Peter - Me, too! Thanks!

Carole - Thank you for the observation!

Thanks, Alan. I appreciate the comment.

Stephen - Thanks for the comment!

Sandy - Thank you. I think this approach actually made the rain effect "Heavier"

Cesare - Thank you!

Val - Thank you! I will definitely be pursuing this approach some more.

Jennifer - Thank you so much!

David - Thank you! Much Appreciated!

Really good work Skylar.

It’s stunning.

Thanks so much, Margaret!

Ellen - I appreciate the comment. Thanks!

Works brilliantly Skylar

Russell - Thanks so much!

Love this Skylar!

Karen - Thank you so much!

This looks REALLY GOOD Skylar - don't know how you manage this!

Thank you, Adele!

Well, Gudrun, I rather like you comment!!!

I have been an artist since I painted my first oil at age of 12. I still don't know how to create an image which strikes that "nerve" in the viewer. Lots of times, I think I have created an image which I feel comes from my very soul, to have it land with a thud! If anyone can give me the secret - please...

Exciting work...really like this.

Love this one, Skylar - striking!

Hang on Studio Wall

Orig size appx 9x12" Artrage. This is an experiment in Style.

About the Artist
Skylar Brown

Life-long artist. Made most of my living that way. Traveled a lot, painting around the world. Everything from graphic Design to commissioned portraits. Movie & TV graphics, Music Video Bkgs, Murals, - You get the gist. Now retired. Still Travel. Paint every day.

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