Nude (close up)

Nude (close up)

Great work shirley. Reminds me of two things. Firstly the portraits by matisse and secondly helena bonham carter.

Thanks michael...l need more practice.

Dont worry shirley. I need more practise with portraits which is why i keep going back to landscape where im abit more experienced.

Like i said the style reminds me of matisse and even the quality is comparable with him. Nobody thought he needed to practise. Art is such a wide spectrum. There is realism and there is picasso. Just an example. As long as your art expresses something and has an emotional impact or even if it is just great on the eye its all good and worthy.

Thank you Michael...l need more practice with everything haha...l just love the escapism painting brings me.

Hang on Studio Wall


About the Artist
Shirley Bailey

Ive somehow messed up on my had to do another...all my past posts are on shirl1960 (l think)?? ??

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