The Pyramids of Giza

The Pyramids of Giza

This is very colourful, sunny and atmospheric, Seok. Keep on posting your travel paintings, so we can imagine we are there too.

You've certainly feasted on the fodder Seok - Great painting

Lovely oil Seok, the sky is so dramatic !

interesting and colourful. Great painting.

Wonderful vibrant colours Seok - what a traveller, you've been everywhere!

Very warm and inviting, lovely scenery Seok.

A wonderful painting Seok! Love the warm colours of the sand and the beautiful sky. You really have been everywhere!

This scene must be either a very old one, Seok, or around the back of the pyramids in the desert - there's no sign of the confusion of buildings which have crept up onto the Giza plateau in recent memory! Love the sky, Seok, and how very different this is to your recent one of Cuba! You are indeed a talented artist. And have you any plans to revisit Egypt? Maybe next winter - then we could paint together! Now there's a thought...

Lovely painting, like the colours and the sky is just beautiful

Another interesting painting Seok, I've never been to Egypt but my father was there during WW11 and brought back a photo album which I used to love looking at as a child. This reminds me of those photos.

Thank you very much, everyone! Jane, it's a fairly recent photo (about 2 years) - I edited out the ugly buildings, lol! Took quite a lot of artistic licence with this one - I was inspired by one of David Roberts' paintings of the Sphynx at Giza and used a sunset photo taken in Myanmar for the sky. I doubt I'll be back in Egypt in the near future but I'd certainly like to make another visit in a few years' time and would certainly entertain the thought of painting together!

Very atmospheric Seok :)

Seok, thank you so much for taking the time to add some comments to my postings - you must have had to trawl through loads on the gallery to find them, and I really appreciate it. By the way, this one is still special!

Thanks Sarah, Jane and Rebecca!

Hang on Studio Wall

Egypt was really not on my bucket list of travel destinations, and I went there only because some friends invited me to join them on their tour. It turned out to be a wonderful tour, and I was immensely inspired by its landscape and its people. I find myself constantly returning to my Egyptian photos for painting fodder.

About the Artist
Seok Yam Chew

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