

Well, it's interesting. I just think the pebbles/stones look far too big because they are behind the tree trunk and bird? But I love the colours used throughout.

Love the idea of the bird in silhouette, nicely constructed Stephen.

Superb painting love the colours of the stones.

Feel as if I’m there on that beach enjoying the sound of the surf. Great colours and the bird is a nice touch Stephen.

Wonderful painting, the pebbles are so brilliantly painted.

Fascinating experiment, does it look more 3D in reality? No matter... it works so well viewed in 2D on my screen. You paint the sea so well, and the textures are great.

Many thanks all for your kind comments. Re. Heather's comment, I think you are spot on about the pebbles, they are much too big. I was trying to be arty and got carried away. My 3D attempt was more 2/1/2D Lewis but thanks for your positive observations, always most welcome.

Very striking work Stephen. The 3D did work and those pebbles look very realistic. I love the sea as well. It's making me hanker for breathing in lovely sea air!

Love your wet stones, done so well as is the whole painting Stephen.

Many thanks Dorothea and Carole.

Hang on Studio Wall

Attempt at using gesso, cardboard, acrylic and watercolour to create a 3D image. Don't think it works. Hey ho.

About the Artist
Stephen Kelly

My Father was an artist and I wanted to follow in his footsteps but sadly he died when I was 8 which changed everything. When it was time to earn a living, Uncle Norman said " I'll get you a job Lad" so I became an apprentice photo retoucher, not fine art but a job. The work was intimidating as…

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