Bridge Mill - Plein Air Sketch

Bridge Mill - Plein Air Sketch

Very nice, Pete.

Super watercolour Pete. Will look terrific in large scale, certainly a good reference to work from.

I always like to see outdoor work like this. So difficult to achieve that freshness in the studio.

Lovely work Pete. I agree it has that freshness of plein air painting.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour on Arches NOT. Been out with the art group today and spent a couple of hours at Bridge Mill followed by tea and biscuits. I took loads of pictures with the intention of working this up into a BIG acrylic.

About the Artist
Pete Batho

Hi. My name's Pete. I'm a self-taught artist living and working in Cornwall UK. Originally from Staffordshire, I moved to Cornwall in 1997 with my job as a Telecoms Engineer. Now retired, I took up painting again after a long period of inactivity. I first laid brush to paper in the 70’s when I…

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