Eric in Oils

Eric in Oils

This is lovely Patricia, skilfully done. And i see you're just as accomplished at flower painting !

Just my luck, my subscription to The Artist has recently run out and I didn't bother renewing as I was getting a little bored with it, so what do they do, they print an article I would have been really interested in!! This is a super portrait and he looks like quite a character, more please.

It certainly worked a treat.....this is very well done, certainly a character conveyed.

I have just got September's Artist mag. so I shall look forward eagerly to Octobers and hopefully I may produce a portrait as well as you have, but you have a lot of talent Patricia. Oh! we in Australia get them late , and you pay £3 50 we pay $13 20 , Oh! I really am getting to be a grumpy old man sorry!.

This is a fab pianting Pat good comments, just like Eric

yes, agree with the others. a portrait with character and impact. Well done

Thanks everyone for such nice comments! Eric certainly is a character. He is a very prolific painter, doing mainly Yorkshire scenes and people.....a mixture of Lowry and John Yardley! Fantastic! My hero! I have 5 of his paintings.

je ne suis pas specialiste des portraits, mais je luis trouve une tres belle expression,.

Merci Alain! Eric a 88 ans mais il est tres jeune por son age!........excuse moi pour le francais maigre!

Hi Pat This painting is fantastic !! Eric is our grandad and as the above comments already mention he is such a character and we love him to bits.. I just wanted to say what a portrait when i saw it it made me feel a little chocked as it is so life like especially in the eyes ! it really could be mistaken for a photo!! you have a amazing talent . Kind Regards Claire xx

Hi Claire! Thanks so much for your lovely comments! I so loved doing this portrait of Eric, something I had thought of doing for some time. He has been my inspiration for many years now and like you, I love him to bits! I feel he should be celebrated much more than he is. I did the painting from a photo that another lady took, who was going paint it for the Revealed exhibition in the Cooper Gallery, but she gave it to me instead. I hope you have seen it hanging there! Eric and I went along to the open evening and there were lots of favourable comments........everyone recognised him, thank goodness! Best wishes Pat x

Hang on Studio Wall

12'' x 10'' Here is my portrait of my fellow painter Eric Hill. He is 88 and still turning out great paintings! I did this portrait using the article ' Portraits for Begginers' in the October edition of The Artist Magazine . It was easy to follow and worked a treat (I think).

About the Artist
Patricia Sabin

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