Paul Talbot-Greaves Challenge Three - summer 2017

Paul Talbot-Greaves Challenge Three - summer 2017

lovely painting , even without the drama its a small baloon , is it a suicide

Hang on Studio Wall

Ian Stevenson sent in his vesrion of Paul's challenge saying: 'My painting is in "White Night" Russian watercolours because I love the powerful colours and the smooth texture of the honey based pigments. The work is on 300 gsm. "Toscana Acquerello" rough paper 30 cm. X 30 cm. from "Aartiera Magnani" who have been making fine papers since 1404 and made most of the paper used by Leonardo! I have used a limited pallet of French ultramarine, Cerulean blue, raw sienna, burnt sienna lemon yellow and neutral tint. to achieve the recession by the use of complementary mixes of greys. I have, as I felt the photo lacked purpose, included a hot air balloon which I think adds drama as well as a little humour to an otherwise boring photograph.'

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