PTG Exercise 1 - Field Textures

PTG Exercise 1 - Field Textures

Love the colours & treatment of the subject.

Yes a different treatment that works well

I really like all your foreground textures Frank - a really good interpretation. Merry Christmas to you.

Hang on Studio Wall

Frank Bent sent in his version of Paul's exercise saying: 'This is painted on card and is 30 by 23 cm. The colours used were Prussian blue, titanium white, yellow ochre, burnt sienna and small amounts of alizarin crimson and an orange. The sky was painted first, then I stuck masking tape across the line of the field edge and painted the trees and the building. Removing the tape, the field was then painted, making the foreground darker with splashing, scratching using a palette knife and the edge of an old credit card'

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