Self portrait

Self portrait

You have a good distribution of lights and darks here, Diana, and some fine detail, tho' I do feel somewhat presumptuous in commenting on the work of an artist such as yourself. But it helps me also, as I am very much a linear artist in particular,so I'm sure you appreciate my interest. Am I right in thinking this was done from a photograph? Just off to have another look at your gallery of sketches...

Very good work Di, as Ruth says you have some great tones in this.

I like the texture you have achieved in your hair and also the pose.

Thank you. Have now added dark background on the right side and more shadow plus more definition in the other ear.

Ruth the coat was done from a photo but the head was done from the mirror. (cross eyed LOL)

Oh my word Kay, I am sincerely flattered by your comments but there is absolutely no way I could ever put myself in the same class as Adebanji. I can only one day hope to reach that kind of skill.

Tried drawing myself in the mirror, and ended up with something like Heinrich Himmler, so you have my unbounded admiration. This is really just pencil, is it? No wash at all? Not even a smudge of watercolour pencil? Well, I can see why you're impressing your tutor; who should be teaching whom?

Not easy is it Robert. I couldn't have done that before reading "Drawing on the Right side of your brain" It really helped me. NO it's completely and utterly pencil from H to 5B. NO washes, not a trace of watercolour pencil, not nuffink! It's not expressive enough for my tutor.

Thank you for your kind comment on my poppy drawing. I just love all your drawings and it is fascinating to see your self portrait. And your windfarm painting. I am trying to learn how to paint and posted one recently where I represented the blades as daisy petals which made them less elegant and also less powerful than yours.

Hang on Studio Wall

Pencil on watercolour paper. Part of my level 1 course work for my degree.

About the Artist
Diana Hudson

I am Diana Hudson, a Lancashire lass who grew up in a little village outside Burnley. I travelled extensively and worked all over the world before returning to my roots in the Pendle area. As a dog breeder and judge, I specialised in pet portraits for over 20 years before adding portraits,…

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