

Very well executed, really great painting.

Incredible work Helen, top job!

The way to make something quite ordinary absolutely stunning. Thank-you for sharing your technique.

Beautiful work; detail and colours are superb.

Very well painted, has a lot of interest.

Superb (again!)

That frayed rope just makes this rather wonderful.

Very interesting use of acrylic. Using a thick gel to make the rope stand out is such a good idea. It must have taken a long time to do!

Thank you everyone. The hardest bit was getting the gel into the squeeze bottle! (I used a spare masking fluid bottle with nib)

Hang on Studio Wall
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40 cm square acrylic on stretch canvas. This painting is the subject of a ‘how to’ I have written for the April e-newsletter. Subsequently, it partly inspired the crashing waves painting I posted a while ago, in terms of technique. The colours/ texture of the pebbles are built up with acrylic glazes, and the old rope has thick gel drawn on, to make it stand out on the canvas (though you can’t see it in the photo here)

About the Artist
Helen Martell

I've been painting (acrylics) since about 2010, after going on a painting day with my mother. I guess I've always been creative (it's in the family genes), not always with paint. Over the decade it started mainly with pet portraits, as word got around my workplace that my stuff wasn't too bad.. and…

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