Our Little Star


This is a beautiful painting Lynda, well done 👍

I think you've done a great job, Lynda..the light and shade on the face and the eyes are very effective

Not being one who paints portraits I can only say I think this is very good indeed!!

It is beautiful Lynda. You have done a superb job of this.

What a lovely portrait. Not overworked at all. It looks like watercolour and if so you are very brave and successful to paint a portrait in this very difficult medium. You might find pastels a lot easier Lynda.

I think it's great. I assume you're using watercolour, tricky medium for me. Children's faces are particularly hard to paint. The only observation I would make is that the eyes aren't quite right in as much that one is significantly larger than the other. Either work but if you hold a piece of paper over one side of the face and then the other you'll see how getting those eyes right could make all the difference in getting the likeness right as each version makes the face very different. I always try and painstakingly get the drawing or the underpainting right to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen. Easy to correct in acrylic or oil but really hard in watercolour!

Thank you Heather for your feedback, I do agree, and yes it was painted in watercolour. Thank you to everyone else for your comments.

Re the eyes, I think you could correct by elongating ( just a touch) the right inner part of her eye. Still a lovely portrait Lynda.

This is an accomplished painting of a lovely child. Very well done! The face is beautifully done although parts of the hair could be a little better. You haven't far to go though.

Hang on Studio Wall

I don’t often attempt a portrait as I find them so difficult. This one of my granddaughter ended up overworked and I had to rescue it with a little white gouache. I would appreciate any tips you portrait painters out there have for me. Negative feedback is welcome as well as the positive.

About the Artist
Lynda Green

I started painting a few years back and now fully retired I have time to spend on my art. I have always loved the translucency of watercolour and yes, I know it is a difficult medium but when it works the effects are so worthwhile. I have a hand problem and find handling a brush easier than drawing…

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