In Flight

In Flight

I like you kind of minimalism, Michael! It conveys the essence without overload. I really like the genius of this - so few lines, yet you've captured the form of the bird in flight perfectly.

Michael I agree with Seok. I can just imagine the impact when it's been mounted and framed in black - they must be really eye catching. And by the way, I think the 'do do' is fine - harder to use in writing as you lose the tonal inflections of the voice, but grammatically I think it's correct. And thanks for your comments on my recent posting.

I agree with Seok and Jane, it will look great wtih the frame

Thanks for your kind words - it's good to know that there others who appreciate this style - one which I enjoy working in - I'll post more over time. As for 'do do' its a bit like saying 'going to go' - you never say 'coming to come'!!!

I do,do like this one as well. Look at my friend Mary anne Bartlett on Google, she runs ArtSafari. She is running the workshop to morrow. On her site ,somewhere are some wonderful minimilist Zebra. I think you might enjoy them.

Hang on Studio Wall

Just realised I have only put one of my line drawings in the gallery so far - so here's another. I am very much into minimalism and enjoy doing these - they are also popular and sell well. I cut all my own mounts (conservation ivory) for my watercolours and do these line drawings on the bits cut out from the middle (waste not want not) - I give them a wide double mount (again in conservation ivory) and put them in a black frame - for this one the frame is 16ins by 16ins but I do do them both larger and smaller. (Can you say 'do do' or is it a tautology?) Interested to know what others think - in the picture that is.

About the Artist
Michael Edwards

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