Spray Over Rocks

Spray Over Rocks

Hi Max. So peased you enjoyed my web site, I must do some work on it and fetch it uptodate. I like this picture it has lovely definition, break up the spray a bit more , you still havent got your tooth brush out though the spray really is coming along. I should leave this one and do another one and spray further over the rocks , more sea in middle. Though I do like this pic. . Where is your signature red?

I really, really like this painting. The colours and composition are excellent. I understand the good advice that Sylvia gave you, but just feel that this painting works as it is. It always depends if you are trying to make a realistic image of the scene or whether you are painting how you feel about the scene. I think there is a difference. I always get the impression that you have a very emotional connection with the subjects you paint and those emotions are translated into your treatment of the work. This painting has a real exuberance and wildness in the sea, which I suspect comes from your experiences with being on the sea. The pink tones on the rocks are a master stroke - the colours in the sea are so interesting. The rocks themselves have a substance and form which is very dramatic. I think you have excelled yourself with this one.

It's a good picture. I agree with the advice given, and wondered if you had tried masking fluid? This would enable you to get the brightest white (ie the paper). I never paint white as I find it dulls the picture. The toothbrush is really good for fine spray, so follow Sylvias advice and have another go. I prefer paintings that capture the feel of the subject. If you want a perfect reproduction , take a photo. You have a good painting style. stick with it.x

I like this very much, because I see the spray as having the sun behind it, giving that all white look which you have. The sun is also reflected on the water. I need my sunglasses ! ps. I like the rockpool, and your lovely colours.

Thank you Silvia, Thea, Ann & Carole for your comments, i will certainly try the toothbrush technique & try another painting similar to this one. I hit a brick wall with this one & needed your comments to help me to make the right decisions, with all your help i will get there.

Hi Max, all good advice from folks above, and I think your getting there. If you get chance to visit the coast and take some photo's of waves etc, they are good for reference when you next do a seascape. Well done.

Thank you for your comments Norman, I do live on the coast in east devon & have taken photo's as you suggested but as yet i don't seem to get to grips with painting waves & spray but i am practicing & hope i will achieve it eventually.

Hi Max I have been to your gallery before but there are some of these paintings I've never seen this is lovely I won't give advice but all af the above sounds good to me the toothbrush is great or a brush full of paint flicked at it but make sure you are in the open the colour can go every where as I found out

I have taken on board all the previous comments Patsy & will try the toothbrush effect when i next do a spray & will try not to get paint every where!!!!!

Max, I have just found your gallery and I too love the colours and compositions of this. I have tried splashes and waves and wild seas and have given up. I watched David Bellamy doing a brilliant demo of this subject and he used masking fluid and painted the darkest bits of the sea beside this area to show contrast, if you are using a tootbrush is it with gouache ? Must look up my notes on that demo and have another go, thanks for the inspiration !

I was in two minds whether i should put more spray in the middle but i was frightened of overdoing it.....hence the pool of nothing in the middle.......I am afraid i don't use gouache........Thank you for your kind comments Norah on my painting & good luck in your attempt at seascapes.

Hang on Studio Wall

A4 watercolour I need advice on this one, do i put more colour on the white spray it does not kook right to me.

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max lennox

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