Roland Muldoon - oil on Canvas

Roland Muldoon - oil on Canvas

Brilliant portrait, Mark

Really like the textures created, a cracking portrait.

Absolutely fabulous portrait, Mark.

Yes another fine work Mark top notch

Interesting to examine all the textures in this brilliant portrait.

You have done a fabulous job of this Mark. Can't help seeing a faint resemblance to Father Jack.

An absolute WOW. Wish I had your skill with a knife, too, just can't seem to get on with them usually!

Wonderful portrait. Full of life.

Four superb portraits Mark!

A great and fabulous portrait..

Hang on Studio Wall

This is knife painting of Roland Muldoon, a friend of mine, him and his wife claire set up the Hackney Empire comedy club back in the day.

About the Artist
Mark Fennell

Mark Fennell is a professional portrait painter who works to commission from his home studio in the hill top village of Brill in Buckinghamshire. He works predominantly in oils, notable sitters include Antony Worrall Thompson, John Hood, Lord Mayor of Birmingham and singer - songwriter John…

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