Birthday flowers


Hope you had an enjoyable day - like your Spring painting, Marjorie

Happy birthday wishes to you Marjorie! A gorgeous time filler, lovely softness to your technique.

Happy birthday Marjorie. (I preceded you by 5 days). Lovely bunch of flowers.

Pisces you see, emotional, impulsive and artistic😆 Thanks, everyone, for the comments and good wishes.

Beautiful tulips and colours , they are fresh in appearance too, so lovely for your birthday. Happy Birthday wishes Marjorie!

Happy Birthday Marjorie, Lovely flowers.

Thanks Denise, hung one more year on the line, as Paul Simon said😳

Lovely tulips Marjorie, and happy birthday too!

Beautiful tulips Marjorie. Belated Happy Birthday.

I hope you enjoyed your day, Marjorie. Great flowers!

Ha the flowers to go with the chocolates Marjorie. Lovely pic.

Happy Birthday Marjorie , lovely tulips

Lovely! It was my birthday this week too Marjorie and I also bought myself some tulips!

What a lovely lot you all are! Thank you. Happy birthday Diane!

Lovely - hope you had a good day

Happy birthday Marjorie, beautiful tulips :)

Happy Birthday. Lovely pastel tulips

Very good - I always enjoy painting tulips, such a great shape.

Happy birthday Marjorie lovely flowers

Hang on Studio Wall

Had loads of chocs bought for me but I bought these for myself. Spring is on the way. A quickie in pastel after I'd faffed about adding bits to a painting.

About the Artist
Marjorie Firth

Still Life, seascapes and portraits are my favourite subjects. I paint whatever takes my fancy and, from time to time, attend short courses. I paint in a variety of media, oils are my favourite.

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