"Feeling the pressure" coloured pencil on black paper

"Feeling the pressure" coloured pencil on black paper

Nice one Mike, the woodland in the background has a slightly eerie feeling to it.

That looks good Mike, your picture looks great on dark paper. Since Christmas I have also been using coloured pencils and I love them - no mess and I find much better control.

My favourite medium. What a lovely picture

Another lovely painting Mike. A great medium.

my thanks for the kind comments. The actual drawing shows the barn browner in colour which I prefer. - doesn't jump off the page at you. Have used watercolour pencils prior to this , generally unwet and on white page sketch books. As sketching materials , they serve very well - wet or dry . Here, I am looking for a more completed endpoint.

I think you’ve got them cracked Mike, like this very much.

Hang on Studio Wall

still getting used to the new pencils. Here the camera has intensified the red brown element

About the Artist
Mike Capenerhurst

Born & lived in Leicester for 30 years before coming to NZ in 1965 with wife and family. Dropped art at school for more "useful" subjects. Interest resurrected upon arriving out here. Started with oils, moved to water colour some 20 years ago.. Have played with etching and like it. Primarily self…

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